Monday, August 27, 2007

Swedes Do It Better

Go to Grimey's and get the new Dungen album right now. If you're like me and grew up listening to old rock records, or like psychedelic music, or like shit that will blow your mind, do it. This Gustav Ejstes guy does it right. Nice room sounds on the drums, kick ass guitar freak-outs, fuzzy zoom bass, as well as pretty laid back tunes. It is all in Swedish, so you hear some crazy words, but it almost seems to add to the music in the sense that you really focus on the whole picture (not just the lyrics or what-have-you). Track 5, Du Ska Inte Tro Att Det Ordnar Sig, is a personal favorite.

...and while you're at it, go ahead and buy the first Dungen album, Ta Det Lungt. It also kicks ass.

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